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Forsaking all to follow Jesus is a book that makes a call to our generation to follow Jesus Christ with everything. When we read the Bible we realise that there is no one who met Jesus and continues with life as they had lived it before being introduced to Jesus. Mary was a young girl, about to be married, when she met Jesus and Jesus turned her into the mother of the Lord. Joseph was a mere carpenter but he ended up protecting the Saviour from death. Peter and most of the disciples were simple fishermen, but by the time Jesus was done with them, they were fishers of men and they performed the greatest miracles of all time. Paul turned from being a murderer to evangelising an entire region. Jesus is still in the business of transforming the lives of those who wholeheartedly surrender themselves to him. This is a personal invitation to follow Jesus above all else. Jesus won’t simply upgrade your life but He will turn your entire life upside down. We will not recognise you because an encounter with Jesus will change your life forever.

This book is an urgent call to a generation that is too busy to give their lives completely to Christ, it is a desperate tug at the hearts of those who consider other things above Christ and a simple woman’s cry to her generation that is that eternally aspiring for more to desire Christ above all else. This is a simple call to forsake all, and follow Jesus Christ. Following Jesus is life changing and the rewards thereof are eternal. As you read this book, may it move you to the perfect place that God has prepared for you in Him.

Forsaking all to follow Jesus


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